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Who Owns the ePortfolio?

Taking ownership. The process of creating an ePortfolio is just as important as the ePortofolio itself and its contents. When students have the ability to create something that matters to them, it becomes more than an assignment. During the process, students are also thinking critically and gaining problem solving skills. This helps students make better connections with the world around them.

Promote Ownership. "Promoting digital ownership is different than assigning work in publicly accessible spaces." as stated in Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It? , when the contents of the ePortfolio become relational, students begin to take ownership and pride when displaying their thoughts and ideas.

My Process. In relation to this class, at first I was a little intimidated by the flexibility in choice when it comes to our ePortfolios. Now I can see the purpose behind that flexibility as we get to decide what is important to us that we can relate to and apply to the real world then be able to display that learning and ownership in a digital space. I am fairly new to digital portfolios, but take a peek at my ePortfolio as I continue learning and displaying my growth through the process!


Rikard, A. (2015, August 10). EdSurge. Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It? Retrieved June 20, 2023, from

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