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The Importance of Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is about encouragement. When individuals feel encouraged, they believe their abilities can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance. Adapting to this mindset can lead to increased motivation and a willingness to embrace any challenges that may be encountered. Ultimately, this helps individuals by fostering personal and academic growth.  


When we ask our students to be open to a growth mindset, we cannot expect them to fully understand it until we (the educators) model it ourselves. It's not a one-time fix - it takes practice and commitment. 

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” (Dweck, 2015)

The 4 Steps to a Growth Mindset

There are four key steps to cultivating a growth mindset.

  1. Hear your fixed mindset voice. This voice reflects a belief that abilities and intelligence are fixed traits. It is important to recognize these thoughts to promote personal growth.

  2. Recognize you have a choice. By recognizing the ability to choose a growth mindset, individuals take control of personal and professional development, leading to increased motivation.

  3. Talk back with a growth mindset voice. Applying this voice will help individuals put this skill into practice every day.

  4. Take action with a growth mindset. The journey of growth is ongoing, and each step forward is a commitment to self-improvement.  

Communicate, Implement & Promote

Communicating the power of "yet" involves conveying the idea of a growth mindset, where the word "yet" implies that with effort and perseverance, one can improve and achieve their goals. Some ways to do that include:

  • Using positive language: Instead of "I can't do it..." say "I can't do this yet".

  • Telling Stories: Relatable stories about facing challenges but persisting with a growth mindset leading to reaching a goal.

  • Encouraging effort: When there are doubts and frustration, offer words of encouragement emphasizing the potential for growth.

  • Setting realistic expectations: Guidance through setting goals that are attainable through learning and growth.

  • Being Patient: Have an understanding that a growth mindset takes time and that some individuals may struggle.  

Implementation of a Growth Mindset means preparing all involved. 

  • Yourself - BELIEVE in the mindset but be mindful of how students might react to any setbacks or frustrations

  • Classroom - CREATE an environment that fosters a growth mindset through the use of graphic posters that serve as reminders of the options students have when overcoming a challenge

  • Students - UTILIZE resources available to help promote a growth mindset. Anything from books, videos, discussions, and real-life scenarios to help students make a connection. 

Promotion of a Growth Mindset will happen when the above is set into place. Students will become motivated to continue working through any challenges they overcome when working towards their goal. 

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