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Shift the Mindset

Shifting to alternative professional learning has become increasingly important in our rapidly evolving world. Traditional modes of professional development may not always keep pace with the latest innovations and trends in various fields. To embark on this transformative journey, professionals must first adopt a growth mindset, recognizing the value of continuous learning. Next, they should explore diverse resources, such as online courses, webinars, workshops, and digital platforms that offer flexibility and convenience. Leveraging technology can facilitate access to a wealth of information, fostering self-directed learning. Collaborative learning through networks, forums, and mentorship programs can also provide valuable insights and support. To make the most of alternative professional learning, it's essential to set clear goals and regularly assess progress, adjusting the approach as needed. Embracing this shift allows individuals to stay competitive, adapt to changing work environments, and remain at the forefront of their respective industries.


The Vision...Why Alternate PL?

Creating a culture of learning in education for all means that effective professional learning will provide tools and opportunities to enhance teacher strategies. When teachers feel better prepared and supported by their learning community, they will be able to guide students toward the goal of becoming independent learners.

Professional learning may often feel repetitive and not always aligned with teacher interests. While some resources may be viewed or discussed, educators leave with a handout rather than access to the resources needed to successfully implement the strategies they have learned about. 

What About the PL?

Blended learning in mathematics offers a dynamic and flexible approach to teaching, and alternative professional development is essential for educators to effectively implement this model and provide their students with a well-rounded math education. The goal of alternative PL is to provide opportunities for teachers to learn about blended learning components in mathematics and put them into practice within their learning communities.

How Do We Support the Shift?

Blended learning in mathematics offers a dynamic and flexible approach to teaching, and alternative professional development is essential for educators to effectively implement this model and provide their students with a well-rounded math education. The goal of alternative PL is to provide opportunities for teachers to learn about blended learning components in mathematics and put them into practice within their learning communities. When we do not address the issues related to professional learning, then we are not adapting the learning for educators, who are the ones who work with our students on a daily basis. 

The Story Behind the Story

My media presentation was created via Canva resources. I focused on a design with minimal distractions for a focused message on how to approach alternate professional learning. Collaboration through my learning community was also important when working on this presentation as I find feedforward from other educators highly valuable. Taking the time to view the reading resources was important in being able to understand my purpose with this assignment. 

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