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Blended Learning Course for Educators





Onboarding & Improvements

This school year, I have worked with three teachers to implement parts of my blended learning innovation plan but I had not yet created/introduced the Canvas course until recently. They have reviewed the Canvas course and I also reached out to other instructional coaches to help with reviewing this course. I believe they are the right people for this due to different reasons. The teachers have will give me their perspective as learners and give feedback as far as what I may be missing that will be helpful for them. The instructional coaches will help through the eyes of a facilitator to ensure the flow is appropriate and give feedback on the resources I have provided. However, to improve, I would have liked to include teachers who are not as tech savvy as I feel their feedback would be important as well since navigating the platform would be new for them as well.


Impact on Testing & Results & Lessons Learned

My initial instructional design plan helped me outline my course for educators. Due to our district moving to using Canvas as an LMS next school year, I decided to create my course through there in order to give teachers some hands on experience with the platform. The teachers that I conducted testing with are more tech savvy but are new to Canvas. I believe these factors had an slight impact on the feedback I received. I have to consider important factors prior to full implementation. I learned that I have to remain learner-centered and aim to include more useful resources that help paint a better picture of the desired results. I had a request for videos of students working through their blended learning stations and I think that would be very helpful for everyone.

Ongoing Improvements

Usability Issues & Experience Improvement

I did acquire videos of of teachers and students working during their station rotation time during observations I made so I am working on adding those to my modules in order for learners to experience the learning. I am also working on gathering a bank of resources that teachers can refer to for different topics of blended learning station rotation model. Feedback has also helped me remember that I have to focus on the learning and delivery in order to keep learners engaged.

Outcomes Alignment & Support Systems

The feedback from the usability test has helped me understand what my target audience need in order to be successful with their learning. I did learn that collaborative activities and sharing between educators is important. In order to continue supporting my learners, I will be sure to keep open communication and relay office hours each week as they work through the items on the modules. The three teachers who are currently helping me implement parts of the innovation plan will also help support teachers on their grade level teams as they will have a bit more experienced. Overall, reflection has been and will continue to be an important part of the process. 

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