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All About the Learning

Professional Learning

Teacher professional learning is a crucial aspect of a teacher's career, enabling them to stay current with educational trends, improve their teaching skills, and enhance the learning experiences of their students. With 10 years in education, I consider myself a lifelong learner. Throughout my teaching career, I have continued to extend my learning via professional development, peer collaboration, conferences, webinars, and now as I work towards my master's degree. You will find information and resources pertaining to professional development in this page.  

Alternative Professional Learning

Alternative professional learning in education offers a dynamic and modern approach to teacher development. It emphasizes flexibility, personalization, collaboration, and the integration of technology to empower educators with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the diverse and evolving needs of their students and classrooms.

Planning the Alternative PL

Planning alternative PL helps to outline the steps necessary to reach an overarching goal. It is also important to consider the BHAG.

Understanding by Design

Part of creating a significant learning environment involves significant learning experiences. Ideally, the environment is centered around the learners through collaboration, choice, ownership, voice and authenticity (COVA), engaging discussions and constructive feedback opportunities.

A Comprehensive Approach

Placing importance on the development of effective and ongoing PL will help the facilitators focus on supporting learners.

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