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4 Disciplines of Execution Strategy

Execution of Change

Change is often necessary when we think about the goals we want to achieve as educators when supporting student growth. To create change, we must understand where we come from and what our why is.


With my blended learning innovation plan, I would like to promote student growth in mathematics while creating independent learners. For this to be achievable, I will be using the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) framework to help create significant progress towards my goal.    

The Whirlwind

What is the whirlwind? This is in reference to the daily tasks, activities, and responsibilities that are part of an organization’s regular operations. These ongoing activities keep the organizations running but can also distract them from strategic goals. In education, the ongoing list of daily tasks and responsibilities that teachers and administrators must abide to can be overwhelming. Consistency is key when aiming towards accomplishing a goal. Otherwise, the goal becomes part of a never-ending task that keeps educators from making significant progress.  

To distinguish between the whirlwind and wildly important goals (WIGs), we will better allocate resources and attention to pursuing high-priority objectives. Utilizing the 4 Disciplines for Execution (4DX) framework, I am hoping that all involved will take ownership as we move forward to create a schoolwide initiative. To begin, the teachers involved in implementation will include two per grade level from second through fourth grade.  


Four Disciplines

Discipline 1 – Focus on the Wildly Important Goal 

The team will discuss and develop a clear wildly important goal (WIG). As a starting point, we will use the goal below but it can be adjusted as needed based on team conversations.  

  • 80% of students in the selected classrooms will have the ability to self-direct their learning based on their individual goals and data by the end of the school year (May 2023). 


Discipline 2 – Act on Lead Measures 

Lead measures are specific and predictive measures that can influence the achievement of our WIGs. Lag measures are outcome-based metrics that indicate whether a goal has been achieved.  

Possible Lead Measure – Progress Tracking 

  • Percentage of students completing weekly modules and assignments on time.  

  • Rationale: Timely progress is a strong indicator of student commitment and comprehension 

Possible Lead Measure – Assessment Performance 

  • Average scores on quizzes or assessments in mathematics 

  • Rationale: Improved performance in assessments can indicate a better understanding of the material  

Possible Lag Measure – Overall Student Performance 

  • Average grades in the blended learning mathematics course  

  • Rationale: High-performance levels reflect the effectiveness of the learning experience in terms of knowledge acquisition and skill development.  


Discipline 3 – Keep a Compelling Scoreboard 

A scoreboard will be helpful for accountability and progress tracking towards our goals. As a team, we will design a digital scoreboard that teachers can easily access for data input on our lead and lag measures. This scoreboard can be added to our school staff website. Data input will be scheduled to happen weekly so that we can have a visual representation and adjust measures as needed.  


Discipline 4 – Create a Cadence of Accountability 

Our scheduled weekly PLC meetings will be used to discuss progress made towards the WIG as a form of accountability for the teachers. We will have the ability to celebrate gains made as well as brainstorm or collaborate if any adjustments need to happen.  

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Making Connections

The influencer model primarily focuses on identifying and changing behaviors within an organization. Through this model, we are able to understand the root causes of behaviors and influences to drive change effectively. 

The 4DX framework focuses on goal-setting and execution. This helps organizations and individuals achieve critical objectives. 

When used in conjunction, we can link behaviors to goals and create a more targeted and effective approach to change. While 4DX emphasizes regular measurement and tracking of goal progress, the influencer model can help ensure that teams are held accountable for their actions.  

The Influencer Model and 4DX can complement each other by providing a structured approach to setting and achieving goals while addressing the behavioral aspects necessary for success.



Covey, S., McChesney, C., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Simon and Schuster. 

McChesney. (2021, November 23). The 4 Disciplines of Execution Summary & Review [Video]. YouTube. 

McChesney. (2017, February 10). The 4 Disciplines of Execution in a Nutshell [Video]. YouTube. 

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