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  • yalaniz2

The Rough in Rough Draft

This course has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone as I had never considered publication for a piece of writing. As an educator, I have always enjoyed reading posts on Edutopia and We Are Teachers because they are written by experts in the field of education, so to even consider submission to any of these sites, is very exciting!

I began with an outline to help guide my thinking and although blended learning is not a new topic, it interests me. Throughout this course, I have worked closely with a collaborative group and they were very helpful with feedback on my rough draft outline. The rubric we used was helpful as it broke down the different components needed for this assignment and also provided the opportunity for specific feedback.

I was able to take the suggestions that my peers made and update parts of my rough draft. This was helpful as at first I was unsure of the route I was headed with my piece of writing. Overall, it has been a good experience to continue practicing my written communication.

The two sites I previously mentioned have the following guidelines for accepting posts for publication:


  • 850-1,000 words

  • 80-word bio with details about my role in education

  • Original submissions only

We Are Teachers:

  • 500-700 words

  • Education and teacher life topics

I look forward to the rest of the process in this publication experience.

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