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  • yalaniz2

Learning from Others

When I began my ePortfolio journey in early June, I was unsure where to begin. I am fortunate to be part of groups of students that support each other as they share their own ePortfolios.

Once I took the time to review my peers' portfolios I absolutely loved how their passions and personalities came alive through their pages and posts. I decided I needed to redo my own as I was too worried about the contents being just right instead of letting my passions inspire what my pages should look like.

I came across this video that helped me understand the importance of personalizing the page to fit my purpose:

Overall, it is very helpful to share experiences with other students during our class meetings or group meetings and even more when some students are at a different pace than I am. I get to preview what is to come as I continue the program.

Blogging still does not come as naturally to me and it takes me some time to think through my topic but I also know it is a process as I am also exploring and learning more about ePortfolios and blogs. I read a short post titled 5 Reasons Why Our Students Are Writing Blogs and Creating ePortfolios and this helped put things into perspective as well.

I am definitely enjoying learning from my peers as well as opening myself up for feedback in return. It will all help me become a better learner on my journey through this program.

Sources: “5 Reasons Why Our Students Are Writing Blogs and Creating EPortfolios.” Powerful Learning Practice, 26 Aug. 2011, Accessed 30 June 2023.

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