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  • yalaniz2

Learning Contributions

5302 – Leading Organization Change

5304 – Concepts of Educational Technology

Reflections. During this term, I have been able to learn more about myself as a learner but most importantly decide what my focus or end goal is. What works? My first term of classes was during the summer when I had more availability. This time around, I am juggling more so the flexibility of the courses was very much appreciated. Being able to work at my own pace – to an extent, was helpful so that I would not be too overwhelmed. What could be better? Prioritizing time weekly to go over the recorded group meeting videos – I realized that is a time management skill that I have to work on when tackling a full-time job along with the program. I will get better at that.

Collaborations. I was still able to collaborate with others who were at different places in the same program. This was very insightful in reference to feedback that was being given and received. Hilda M., Nwamka N. & I met regularly during the 5302 course duration to discuss assignments and share ideas as well as feedback. In 5304, the collaboration group consisted of a larger number of members, and most were newer to the program. Here, I was able to share some insight on the previous courses as well as share my ePortfolio for those who were still struggling to find what worked for them. We had weekly meetings scheduled but with my workload, I opted to follow up via messenger as well as our running word document that captured all our discussions and contributions. Members of this group included Lance M., Deena F., Shaneigh S., Matthew B. It was great to connect and share ideas as we all worked through assignments.

Assignments & Resources. It was very helpful to take feedback given by core collaboration members whether this was through posts or live discussions. I was able to take this information and apply it to my assignments which consisted of ePortfolio pages or posts. I enjoyed the readings assigned – even if the books had to be read at a faster pace. The information was still very insightful and aligned with the program in general. The videos and additional resources were also helpful in understanding the goals of the course. I feel like I did well with being able to meet deadlines for assignments because I laid it all out on my calendar to help me stay on track.

Supporting Contributions. I was able to contribute to my core collaboration groups through live meetings as well as following up through messages/e-mails. As far as discussions, I posted in a timely manner and was able to give feedback on others’ posts. I feel like posting and supporting my thinking through cited resources is something that I need to work on as I realized I did not do this for every discussion post. I did make sure to include references in all of my assignments.

Combination. I decided to combine both courses in my reflection because of the mix of some of my collaboration group members. Both groups were helpful and open to giving feedback on assignments going on in both courses. I also applied what I have learned about the growth mindset into my growth mindset plan (5302) and used that to help guide me through influencer and 4DX strategies assignments (5304). Both courses aided me in developing my ePortfolio.

Conclusion. Overall, I would give myself a 95 in both courses (5302 & 5304) because even though I have a couple of things to work on as I progress through the program, I was impacted by understanding more about my style of learning and how I best contribute to conversations with others. I also gained confidence as I worked to include more of my style and creativity in my ePortfolio and I feel like that is where I struggled during my first term.

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