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Contribution to Learning (Part 2)

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Contribution to Learning

EDLD 5303, Applying Educational Technology ePortfolio.

Reflection. I was able to take this course along with 5305 and I appreciate how the courses lend to one another and connect. This was my first time working with ePortfolios and it was important to me that my own reflected my passion. I began by listening to recommendations and built my site through Wix. I later realized my ePortfolio was not reflective of my ideas and decided to scrap it and start over. It took a lot of refining and I realize it is still a work in progress as I add more of my learnings to my site.

Core Collaboration. It took me longer to join a collaboration group, but I was added by Lance M. and weekly meetings were scheduled and planned. I appreciated his initiative and invitation to the group. We were able to discuss upcoming assignments and discuss what the expectation might be. I had more difficulty attending these scheduled meetings as I’d have one thing, or another, come up with my own children at home but it is something for me to work on in future courses and be more available. I was lucky enough to have a personal friend of mines also going through the program with me. Hilda Rodriguez was very helpful in looking over my assignments/blogs and give her feed forward. She was the first to share her ePortfolio with me and that really helped to get me started.

Resources. I enjoyed viewing all of the course readings and videos shared by Dr. Dwayne Harapnuik prior to our meetings. These really helped to understand the assignments as well as have productive conversations with peers that were able to attend the class Zoom meetings. In the future, I will spend more time making notes for myself as to how each resource was helpful in my journey through this class.

Deadlines. I did well with the deadlines, and I made sure that my assignments were timely. One thing I would change is to prepare and complete assignments ahead of time in order to receive feedback and complete resubmissions as needed. Now that I understand the pace of the courses, I will be better at this aspect in my future courses.

Class Collaboration. I attended about 80% of the scheduled Zoom meetings and had discussions with classmates about the readings and upcoming assignments. I found that Laura H. and Lindsay K. were in several breakout groups with me (through both courses) and we had some pretty good collaborative conversations. The discussions on Blackboard were fascinating to me as there were great connections being made throughout. I was sure to log in weekly to post my reply and reply to classmates. I used these posts to help me create my Blog Posts as I was very unsure of how to begin blogging.

Refinement. My biggest struggle during this course was getting used to creating blog posts. They do not come naturally to me but as I have been working on writing more, I think it will be easier to apply my learning through blogging. It was very helpful to hear what other students were adding to their blogs and will keep that in mind as I continue my blogging journey.

Conclusion. Overall, I would rate myself an 85/100 and note that I will work to take more initiative through collaborative groups in future courses as well as prepare to submit assignments sooner than the deadline to allow enough time for feedback. I will also manage my time better in order to meet with collaborative groups and set more time aside for blogging.

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